Visa Information for Cyprus

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Visitor’s Visa

Moving abroad is a big decision, therefore many prospective expats would certainly like to visit the area first before deciding to settle there permanently. Fortunately, getting permission to visit Cyprus is very easy and quick because the island mainly depends on international tourists.

Visitors to Cyprus who possess an EU passport are permitted free entry without the need for a separate visa due to the country’s membership in the bloc. Their stay is only permitted for a total of three months.
Pink Slip – Temporary Residence Permit

Non- Eu citizens are granted the right to reside in Cyprus as visitors for a year with a Temporary Residency Permit under Visitor Status, also known as a “Pink Slip”. Non – Eu citizens are prohibited from working in Cyprus during this time.

The current procedure for obtaining a visitor permit was revised by the Cyprus Migration Department. The primary additions concern the eligibility of additional supporting documentation that must be submitted with the application.

What are the changes for the Pink Slip Application?
• The applicant must provide evidence that they have a steady income from employment outside of the Republic of Cyprus of at least €2.000 per month (or €24.000 per year)
• A clean criminal record certificate
• If the applicant will be joined by a spouse or a minor dependent, the amount of the income requirements increases
• A cash transfer or deposit of €10.000 to a bank account in Cyprus from a bank account outside of Cyprus will also be accepted as part of a first–time pink slip application
• As long as the applicant does not receive any salary from his position in the company, the applicant may receive income from dividends from a Cyprus-registered company or rent from property owned in Cyprus
• Original medical examination certificate of blood test

Pink Slip – Temporary Residence Permit
Non- Eu citizens are granted the right to reside in Cyprus as visitors for a year with a Temporary Residency Permit under Visitor Status, also known as a “Pink Slip”. Non – Eu citizens are prohibited from working in Cyprus during this time.

The current procedure for obtaining a visitor permit was revised by the Cyprus Migration Department. The primary additions concern the eligibility of additional supporting documentation that must be submitted with the application.

Pink Slip Application Changes

  • The applicant must provide evidence that they have a steady income from employment outside of the Republic of Cyprus of at least €2.000 per month (or €24.000 per year)
  • A clean criminal record certificate
  • If the applicant will be joined by a spouse or a minor dependent, the amount of the income requirements increases
  • A cash-transfer or deposit of €10.000 to a bank account in Cyprus from a bank account outside of Cyprus will also be accepted as part of a first – time pink slip application
  • As long as the applicant does not receive any salary from his position in the company, the applicant may receive income from dividends from a Cyprus registered company or rent from property owned in Cyprus
  • Original medical examination certificate of blood tests

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