Yellow Slip – Registration Certificate for EU citizens

Michalaki, Pitsillidou & Co LLC > Practice Areas > Immigration Law > Yellow Slip – Registration Certificate for EU citizens

Yellow Slip - Registration Certificate for EU citizens

The application for a certificate of Registration is submitted by a citizen of the Union and members of his family, who are also citizens of the Union, within four months from the date of arrival in the Republic.

Require Documents for Yellow Slip for every category:
  • Application forms MEU1 & MEU2 duly completed
  • Copy of valid passport
  • Marriage Certificate (If applicable)
  • Children’s Birth Certificates (If applicable)
  • Rental agreement or sale agreement of a house/apartment
  • Bank statements of a bank account in Cyprus or bank statements from abroad (if applicable)
  • If working abroad bring a confirmation letter from the employer and a payslip
  • If they are working in Cyprus:
  1. Confirmation letter from employer
  2. Social Insurance Registration and annual income certificate
  3. Employer to sign the application form
  • Health insurance
  • Passport photos
The Yellow Slip is divided into the following categories:

Yellow Slip Categories

  1. For employed or self–employed
  2. For students
  3. For visitors or pensioners
  4. For unemployed
  5. For children
  6. Unemployed EU Citizen who is a partner of a Cy/Eu or TNC
  7. Dependant parent of an EU citizen


  1. For employed or self-employed

For employed the extra documents are

  • Recent employers’ certificate of employment stating the weekly or monthly salary
  • Confirmation from the Social Insurance Services indicating the last employer and salary
  • EU Citizens whose Social Insurance contributions are paid in another EU member state, will have to present the A1 Certificate and proof of comprehensive medical insurance

For unemployed the extra documents are

  • Social Insurance Certificate as a self-employed
  • Recent Payment from the Social Insurance Services, as a self-employed person
  1. For students
  • Proof of Registration to College / Public Institution
  • Proof of full health insurance in the Republic / European Card
  • Recentemploymentcertificatestatingthesalaryofeachparent if they reside in Cyprus.
  • BankStatementforthelastthreemonths
  1. For visitors or pensioners
  • Certificate of Health Insurance for medical care that covers inpatient and outpatient care and transportation of the diseased (plan A)/ (for pensioner E121/S1 from Ministry of Health) or Confirmation of registration with GESY and private insurance for in-hospital care and transportation of the diseased.
  • Fixed or adequate income from employment outside of the Republic or from other legal sources
  • Bank Statement for the last three months
  • Pension
  1. For unemployed
  • Certificate from the Department of Labour that you are unwillingly unemployed, a job seeker or that you have been employed for over a year (the last 12 months) in the Republic
  • Certificate of Health Insurance for medical care that covers inpatient and outpatient care and transportation of the diseased (plan A) or Confirmation of registration with GESY and private insurance for in-hospital care and transportation of the diseased.
  1. For children
  • Recent proof of sufficient funds (bank statements, salary statements or social insurance statements, for both parents)
  • School certificate of attendance
  • Birth Certificate of the child
  • Marriage Certificate or Civil Union Certificate
  • Divorce Certificate
  • Certificate of Parent Custody duly translated into Greek or English
  • Affidavit from the court regarding cohabitation and the undertaking of expenses
  • Parents or Guardians’ Certificate of Registration and copy of the yellow slip
  1. For cases where the Cypriot or EU or the TWC citizen are unemployed
  • Fixed or adequate income from employment outside of the Republic or from other legal sources
  • Bank Statement for the last three months
  • Pension
  • Certificate of Health Insurance for medical care that covers inpatient and outpatient care and transportation of the diseased (plan A) or Confirmation of registration with GESY and private insurance for in-hospital care and transportation of the diseased
  • Affidavit from the court regarding cohabitation and the undertaking of expenses from the partner
  1. Dependant parent of an Eu citizen
  • Valid passport or identity card and a copy of them (of the parent and the family members who support the parent)
  • Registration Certificate of the Union Citizen (MEU1) and/or Residence Card for Family Members of Union Citizen (MEU2)
  • A duly certified document which proves the relationship between the applicant and their child or spouse of their child
  • Affidavit by the Court, stating that the family members take care of the accommodation, nutrition and medical expenses of the parent
  • Proof of sufficient funds by the members of the family (Recent confirmation of employment by the employer, detailed salary statement from the Social Insurance Services indicating the last employer and salary and a bank statement of the last three months of the family members
  • A document issued by the country of origin or provenance, certifying that the family member in question has been supporting the parent in recent years or that they were living together under the same roof
  • Evidence of the existence of serious health reasons that make it necessary for the family members to take care of the parent
  • Certificate of Health Insurance for medical care that covers in-patient and out-patient care and transportation of the diseased (plan A) or Confirmation of registration with GESY and private insurance for in-hospital care and transportation of the diseased that covers the parent in Cyprus


For more information contact us directly.

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